Tuesday, September 21, 2010


A wise woman once told me that there are a few important questions that everyone must answer in their lifetime.
Who am I?
What am I doing here?
What do I believe in?
I think that more often than not in my life I have taken the answers to these questions for granted. I have assumed to know them, when really I did not, and I have hoped to learn them without really looking. Recently I have been thinking about what it would look like to really try to figure these things out. I am constantly influenced by so many things, but I want to take as objective of a look at my life as I possibly can. I want to believe in something b/c I actually believe it and not because I just always have... or just because its new and interesting. I want to explore and learn and be open. Unbeknownst to me I have already started on this journey, but today I am officially recognizing it and choosing it.
am I a christian?
I think so.
But starting today I'm going to really find out.


  1. I'm pretty sure objectivity is impossible when doing self-analysis, so don't get frustrated when you find your thinking to be subjective. After all, you are a subject, and not an object. But good luck on your search, and I'd love to hear what you find!

  2. thanks ben, I will for sure keep you updated :-)
