Friday, July 16, 2010


I once had a friend ask me if I believed in God. I don't remember where we were going, but I can see the road ahead of us as we drove, the windows were down, and my hair was blowing in my face. Its like a mini movie in my mind whenever I think about this question. Do I believe in God?
I remember being a little bit confused b/c this friend (we will call him Ted) knew that I was a christian. We attended church together on a regular basis up until we both left for college and he knew I was involved in a campus ministry. I'm sure that the look on my face explained it all, but Ted just glanced over at me patiently waiting for my reply. "of course I do" I finally answered. "I wonder..." he started "I wonder what life would look like if we actually acted like we believed in God... I mean, if He was completely real to us how would we be able to disobey him?" I don't remember the rest of our conversation, but over the years, Ted's words have stuck with me. Do I really believe in God? I think the only answer I can be completely honest with is.. sometimes. I think that I only sometimes believe in God in the way that Ted was referring to. I never truly doubt his presence but I often find that I take it for granted. I just accept God's existence without feeling much of anything, without recognizing how wonderful that is.
Recently I watched a sermon by Greg Boyd in which he says "when God speaks, reality happens". When God speaks, reality happens. When God speaks, reality happens. When God speaks, reality happens. I had to repeat it to myself out loud a few times.. just to let it begin to sink in. It seems so simple, but the more I think on it the more complex it seems. When God speaks reality happens. If, when God speaks, reality happens, then there is no reality apart from God's reality. He is not and can not be something separate from science, because after all isn't science based on facts? and if science is fact and fact is reality then God must have something to do with that. and when I close my eyes and talk to God I am REALLY talking to an all powerful all knowing being. Sometimes its the simple realities of life and of our faith that really blow me away. Its just accepting that living in the "real world" is living like God is real. Every second, every minute, ever day. Right here, right now. The kingdom of God is at hand.
so this first blog post has turned into a bunch of ramblings... I guess that's why the name of the blog is word vomit.

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